Garage doors made out of steel are the essence of a traditional or classic garage door styles. Tried and true these doors offer a high level of protection, security and safety and come in a wide variety of looks, paneling, weights and sub-styles. For example, the door can have a flush panel which is a relatively flat look for the door, or a standard panel with the traditional rectangles placed throughout the design. Other designs include the long panel with a more stretched out look or fun newer modern looks with the V5 and V10 panels.
No matter the choice of look for the steel door, insulation is critical. Often times, insulated doors will look elegant and pleasing from the outside of the home but then is a total eyesore from the inside with the polyurethane coating showing through. Fix that problem by looking at the up to date back paneled doors. The way in which a back panel door works is it has the elegant outside door, then the insulation and then another layer of steel on the inside so that the door is just as sleek and finished looking as the outside of the house! Another advantage of doing the double paneled door or having a steel back is that the R-value for the insulation jumps up almost double. It doubles because it is thicker and the insulation is even more insulated!
R-value has a lot of meaning in the world of garage doors. The higher the R-value the better the insulation. Insulation has a lot of benefits especially when it comes to the actual function of the garage door. When the system is well insulated, then the climate of the interior is well regulated. The climate is not going to change rapidly with the time of day but instead stay relatively stable. If the garage is insulated then it is highly feasible to air condition or heat the interior of the garage. This also saves a ton in energy costs by keeping out the extreme temperatures especially for a place like Arizona that sees amazingly high summer temperatures.
Even at this point, a more experienced reader might scoff at the idea of a steel door being a great option. That is because the models of even a decade ago did leave some to be desired. Today, the material, styles, colors and treatments along with the new 24, 26, or 28 gauge steel options are harder, and more built for a beating. These new models also come with primers and topcoats which has significantly decreased the incidents of rusting and failure. Many options come with extended warranties as well. At MGG we are not interested in what we like the most, we are interested in what will fit your needs the most. Although we highly recommend insulated doors and those doors especially lined or with a back panel are even greater; we are still able, willing and enthusiastic about working with any door of any style that will match your needs best.
Our technicians are highly competent and capable workers proven to do precise and quality work. We hope you call us or contact us today to give us a chance to improve the value of your home significantly even if that value is completely found in your peace of mind!